Jan 25th.....
In my group is Katie Tangl&Beth Wilson we did a mind map about what we were going to do in our film noir, we looked up some locations and if it was possible for all of us to get there, as well as some numbers for the places. Also while mind mapping we were researching film noir openings we decided to add more conventions to our mind map because we felt we lacked some. We also decided on what we would do in our production, i wanted to be the directer because i have never done that role before and i wanted to improve my skills and knowledge of the area. Beth was made editor and Katie was camera man.
February 2nd....
Today we wrote up our script and presented them to the class and sir, we then got feedback from all our classmates on what we could improve as well as what was good about it, we needed to change the names of our characters because they didn't fit in with the conventions of film noir. So we did a 2nd drat of our script and that was a better and looked like a film noir, it was hard to get everybodies idea's together but in the end it did turn out very well, in my opinion, and everyone had their input in the script. We also looked for actors on a website called http://www.castingcallpro.com/ and made an advert for them to respond to. We called some of the places for our location but they were either busy or were unavliable to talk to, so we have choosen more public areas and my house because permission for them easily obtained.
March 2nd
Today we booked out our cameras and are planning to film on tuesday next week, we have our location sorted, and everybody has transport to each location. As well all of our actors and costumes and props have been found and all ready for the filming.
March 6th
Today we filmed. I honsetly dont think that we timed the filming right, we thought we should shot in the dark because of the convetions, but this made it difficult to see the camera as well as it being cold which made the actors sloppy and the camera harder to control. Because we wasnt aloud to use the lights outside we had to use torches to make it bright enough to see our actors, which was very difficult. When we shot in the house because of how samll the room was it was hard tofit everybody in and the camera, so we were restricted on what angles we could film. this why we ended up having quite non conventinal shots. Next time if i was to film again i think i do way more pre-production, and make sure evreything can be achieveable.
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